“The Dreams of Al Capone”
a Fair Use Film that transforms samples of existing films and other videos into a new story.
The project is a satirical parody of a political thriller.
“The Dreams of Al Capone”
a Fair Use Film that transforms samples of existing films and other videos into a new story.
The project is a satirical parody of a political thriller.
“The Dreams of Al Capone” Trailer.
An investigative reporter is trying to figure out how her mother’s suicide might be connected to an illegal CIA mind control operation, code named “The Dream Machine”.
She tracks down the only living Agents remaining from the project in her search for meaning and justice in the chaos of recent American History.
An investigative reporter is trying to figure out how her mother’s suicide might be connected to an illegal CIA mind control operation, code named “The Dream Machine”.
She tracks down the only living Agents remaining from the project in her search for meaning and justice in the chaos of recent American History.