For most recent work follow me on Instagram @mitchtemp
It took me two years of drawing and painting waves before I understood why I was doing it, and what it meant to me.
How do you remember something that didn't happen? These acrylic paintings were started on a trip for my 50th birthday and quickly turned away from personal reflection into imagined projections. (all 12"x16" Acrylic on Paper)
I had a set of black ink pens of varying thickness and a few pads of nice 6" by 9" paper. Over the course of about half a year, I went on assignment to create these wave drawings.
This series is made from found photos that are meant to explain, illustrate, categorize, or provide clear meaning about the world. I use digital tools to play with, subvert, or remix the imagery to convert meaning into possibility.
These are paintings I made when I first moved to Los Angeles where people really don't care what you do (in the best way possible). It was the first time in a long while I painted exclusively with acrylic paints which dry faster than my intentions.
These are drawings I did while in a cubicle. They tell a story about the origin of imagery. The drawings are done with pencil on old filing cards that had a phenomenal surface.
These are large oil or acrylic paintings about primitive impulses, personal fantasies, and the misdirection of perception.
These drawings are the loose ends of a story about Albert Einstein, his lover, two neighborhood boys, and his niece who comes to visit.
This is the first chapter of seventeen completed chapters.